Ffine Demerara cane sugar is a non-refined cane sugar with fine ground, golden brown crystals and a delicate taste of honey and caramel.  The secret of its perfect taste and rich flavour lies in sugar cane.  Unlike common sugar, cane sugar contains molasses, a dark brown sugar cane syrup. This is where the golden colour, caramel taste and unique flavour of the sugar come from.

Fine Demerara cane sugar is a perfect replacement for common sugar, to sweeten ordinary and aromatic coffees, teas or other beverages. It is a basic ingredient in a number of recipes, where its flavour perfectly harmonises with the scent of vanilla, cinnamon and orient spices. The sugar gives cakes and cookies a characteristic caramel taste and brown colour. It can be added to baking instead of ordinary sugar, to bring out the colour and taste of the cake, or as a decoration. Additionally, the sugar perfectly harmonises with ice cream, preservatives, sweet‑and-sour dishes or exquisite sauces.

INGREDIENTS: Unrefined Demerara cane sugar

Weight: 500g